




30. Je ne parlerai plus guère avec vous, car le prince de ce monde vient; mais il n`a rien en moi.
(Jean, 14) ALERTE !!! ALERTE!!! ALERTE!!!

FRÈRES ET SŒURS!!! Ne mettez point ces vêtements démoniaques sur vous. Les vêtements versace représentent Médusa un démon (appelé déesse) dans la mythologie grec. Aucun chrétien ne pourra participer à l'enlèvement en ayant sur lui là marque de la grande prostituée.

Beaucoup de grandes marques sont diaboliques et représentent des démons destinés à accuser ceux qui les portent à l'entrée du CIEL. 

La Voix du Seigneur parle toujours au cœur du chrétien mais celui-ci résiste pour son malheur.





Que nous dit la PAROLE sur ces accoutrements ?

8. Et au jour du sacrifice du Seigneur, je châtierai les princes, et les fils du roi, et tous ceux qui revêtent des vêtements étrangers.
(Sophonie, 1)

4. Tu ne te feras point d`image taillée, ni aucune ressemblance des choses qui sont là-haut dans les cieux, ni ici-bas sur la terre, ni dans les eaux sous la terre;
5. Tu ne te prosterneras point devant elles, et tu ne les serviras point; car je suis l`Éternel ton Dieu, un Dieu jaloux, qui punis l`iniquité des pères sur les enfants, jusqu`à la troisième et à la quatrième génération de ceux qui me haïssent,
(Exode, 20)

19. Ne savez-vous pas que votre corps est le temple du Saint-Esprit, qui est en vous, et qui vous a été donné de Dieu, et que vous n`êtes point à vous-mêmes?
20. Car vous avez été achetés à un grand prix; glorifiez donc Dieu en votre corps et en votre esprit, qui appartiennent à Dieu.
(1 Corinthiens, 6)

6. Mon peuple est détruit, faute de connaissance. Puisque toi tu as rejeté la connaissance, je te rejetterai, afin que tu n`exerces plus devant moi le sacerdoce; puisque tu as oublié la loi de ton Dieu, moi aussi j`oublierai tes enfants.
(Osée, 4)

🙏Que le Seigneur nous aide !!!



NB : Versets tirés de la Bible Traduite par David Martin

Il est écrit au Verset 45 de Jean chapitre 1 : « Philippe trouva Nathanaël, et lui dit : nous avons trouvé Jésus, qui est de Nazareth, fils de Joseph, celui duquel Moïse a écrit dans la Loi, et [duquel] aussi les Prophètes [ont écrit] ». Cet extrait du nouveau testament souligne à suffisance que l’ancien testament a accordé une grande importance à la venue du Christ, depuis Moïse, jusqu’à Malachie (connu comme le dernier prophète de l’ancienne alliance). Il démontre que Jésus Christ est la Pierre Angulaire de toute la loi et des prophètes. Il est l’élément central de toutes les prophéties et en dehors de Lui personne d’autre n’a de l’importance. Après sa résurrection Il a dû Lui-même expliquer dans toutes les Écritures, les choses qui le regardaient pour affermir la foi de ses disciples et ouvrir leur entendement spirituel. (Luc chapitre 24).

Le prophète Esaïe a même prophétisé à propos de Lui au verset 14 d’Esaïe chapitre 7 en disant aux israélites «  .. Le Seigneur lui-même vous donnera un signe ; voici, une Vierge sera enceinte, et elle enfantera un fils, et appellera son Nom EMMANUEL » (NB :Le sens du nom EMMANUEL est donné dans Mathieu 1 : 23).

Cette prophétie est la seule de l’ancien testament dans laquelle il est fait allusion à une vierge. Cependant, des religieux et théologiens ignorants ou méprisants les écritures, enseignent conformément au catéchisme de la fausse église de Rome que Marie aurait une grande importance dans la vie du chrétien. Ces enseignements sont des hérésies qui conduisent les croyants de bonne foi à blasphémer la Parole de Dieu et à marcher sur le chemin large de l’Enfer. Ces brebis égarées seront délivrées par la lecture de cette exhortation inspirée du Seigneur comme il est écrit dans Jean 10 : 27 à 28
« Mes brebis entendent ma voix, et je les connais, et elles me suivent. Et moi, je leur donne la vie éternelle, et elles ne périront jamais ; et personne ne les ravira de ma main »

Mais pour ceux qui ne sont pas ignorants de la vérité, et qui ont pour devise « qu’ils sont nés catholiques et mourront catholiques », je les invite à persévérer dans leur obstination comme jamais avant, pour ne pas avoir de regret à la fin comme il est écrit dans Apocalypse 22 : 11 « Que celui qui est injuste, soit injuste encore ; et que celui qui est souillé se souille encore… ». Je les laisserai faire et penser ce qu’ils veulent aussi vrai qu’il est écrit dans Matthieu 15 : 14 « Laissez-les, ce sont des aveugles, conducteurs d'aveugles ; si un aveugle conduit un [autre] aveugle, ils tomberont tous deux dans la fosse ».

Pourquoi dois-je sortir des églises où on prie Marie ? Il s’agit de la question centrale de cette brève exhortation. La réponse donnée par la grâce du Seigneur se concrétisera par la démystification des dogmes du catéchisme romano-catholique. Ainsi, Je vous assure frères et sœurs que vous devez sortir des églises où on prie Marie parce que :

1.   Marie ne provient pas d’une Immaculée conception :

L’immaculée conception est un dogme de l’église catholique romaine qui proclame que Marie fut conçue exempte du péché originel. Or la seule immaculée conception dont parle la Bible est celle de JESUS né par la vertu du SAINT ESPRIT. Il est écrit dans Romain 3 verset 22 à 23 « La justice, dis-je, de Dieu par la foi en Jésus-Christ, s'étend à tous et sur tous ceux qui croient ; car il n'y a nulle différence, vu que tous ont péché, et qu'ils sont entièrement privés de la gloire de Dieu. Etant justifiés gratuitement par sa grâce, par la rédemption qui est en Jésus-Christ ». Aucun homme en dehors de Jésus n’est né Saint et aucun homme ne peut devenir Saint s’il ne passe par JESUS. L’immaculée conception de Marie est donc un mensonge, et un blasphème qui ne dit pas son nom.
Marie comme tout autre humain avait besoin d’être sauvée. Jésus l’avait bien souligné dans Luc 11 verset 27 à 28 où il est écrit : « Or il arriva comme il disait ces choses, qu'une femme d'entre les troupes éleva sa voix, et lui dit : bienheureux est le ventre qui t'a porté, et les mamelles que tu as tétées. Et il dit : mais plutôt bienheureux sont ceux qui écoutent la parole de Dieu, et qui la gardent ». Jésus ne voyait le bonheur que dans l’obéissance à la Parole pour l’obtention de la vie éternelle (nécessaire à tout être humain) et non dans le fait de recevoir la grâce d’être le canal par lequel Il s’est fait chair.

2.   Marie n’est pas Vierge

Déjà si on veut rester logique, la naissance du Christ marquait la fin de la virginité de Marie. Aucun homme ne peut dire le contraire. Il est donc impossible qu’elle continue d’être appelée vierge Marie. De plus la Parole nous enseigne qu’elle a eu d’autres enfants qui étaient connus de plusieurs comme il est écrit dans Marc 6 Verset 2 à 3 : « …beaucoup de ceux qui l'entendaient, étaient dans l'étonnement, et ils disaient : d'où viennent ces choses à celui-ci ? Et quelle est cette sagesse qui lui est donnée ; et que même de tels prodiges se fassent par ses mains ? 3 Celui-ci n'est-il pas charpentier ? Fils de Marie, frère de Jacques, et de Joses, et de Jude, et de Simon ? Et ses sœurs ne sont-elles pas ici parmi nous ? Et ils étaient scandalisés à cause de lui ». Personne en Jérusalem ne l’a appelé Vierge Marie.

3.   Marie n’est pas pleine de Grâces

Il est écrit dans Luc 1 verset 28 « l'Ange étant entré dans le lieu où elle était, lui dit : je te salue, [ô toi qui es] reçue en grâce ». Marie a été reçu en grâce et n’a jamais été pleine de grâce. 

JESUS est le Seul à avoir vécu plein de grace dans ce monde et cela est dit dans au verset 14 du premier chapitre du livre de Jean " Et la Parole a été faite chair, elle a habité parmi nous, et nous avons contemplé sa gloire, [qui a été] une gloire, comme la gloire du Fils unique du Père, pleine de grâce et de vérité." Celui qui refuse cette vérité est de mauvaise foi!

4.   Marie n’est pas la Mère de Dieu

Marie a elle-même affirmé que Dieu est son sauveur : « 46 Alors Marie dit : Mon âme magnifie le Seigneur ; 47 Et mon esprit s'est égayé en Dieu, qui est mon Sauveur. » (Luc 1 : 46 à 47). Elle n’a jamais affirmé être la mère de DIEU. De plus Jésus avait pour habitude d’appeler Marie femme et non Mère, il a même manifesté son agacement fasse à la sollicitation de Marie aux noces de Cana où Jésus lui répondit « qu'y a-t-il entre moi et toi, femme ? Mon heure n'est point encore venue. » (Jean 2 : 4).

Il est écrit de ce même Jésus dans Mathieu 12 « 46 Et comme il parlait encore aux troupes, voici, sa mère et ses frères étaient dehors cherchant de lui parler. 47 Et quelqu'un lui dit : voilà, ta mère et tes frères sont là dehors, qui cherchent de te parler. 48 Mais il répondit à celui qui lui avait dit cela : qui est ma mère, et qui sont mes frères ? 49 Et étendant sa main sur ses Disciples, il dit : voici ma mère et mes frères. 50 Car quiconque fera la volonté de mon Père qui est aux cieux, celui-là est mon frère, et ma soeur, et ma mère ».

Jean 8 « 58 [Et] Jésus leur dit : en vérité, en vérité je vous dis, avant qu'Abraham fût, JE SUIS »
Exode 3 « 14 Et Dieu dit à Moïse : JE SUIS CELUI QUI SUIS. Il dit aussi : tu diras ainsi aux enfants d'Israël : [celui qui s'appelle] JE SUIS, m'a envoyé vers vous. »

5.   Marie ne peut intercéder pour personne et n’exhausse aucune prière

Cette autre hérésie n’est pas Biblique. Il est écrit que Jésus-Christ est notre Avocat (1 Jean 2 : 1). Jésus a d’ailleurs dit dans Jean 16 : 23 à 24 : « … En vérité, en vérité je vous dis, que toutes les choses que vous demanderez au Père en mon Nom, il vous les donnera. 24 Jusqu'à présent vous n'avez rien demandé en mon Nom ; demandez, et vous recevrez, afin que votre joie soit parfaite. ». Jésus est le seul nom par lequel nos prières peuvent être reçues au Ciel. Il n’y a de Salut qu’en Lui seul (Actes 4 : 12) et en personne d’autre.

6.   Marie n’est ni la reine du Ciel ni la reine des Apôtres

L’expression « Reine des cieux » dans la bible renvoie à une divinité étrangère haïe par Dieu et vénérée par les israélites rebelles. C’est avec beaucoup de colère et de sévères avertissements de mort que le Seigneur s’adressait aux israélites chaque fois qu’il faisait allusion à ce démon. Aujourd’hui le diable a subtilement introduit le mensonge selon lequel Marie est la Reine du Ciel alors que celle-ci se considérait comme une simple servante (Luc 1 : 48).

Jérémie 7 : « 18 Les fils amassent le bois, et les pères allument le feu, et les femmes pétrissent la pâte pour faire des gâteaux à la Reine des cieux ; et pour faire des aspersions aux dieux étrangers, afin de m'irriter » (Lis tout le chapitre mon frère ma soeur);

Jérémie 44 : « 25 Ainsi a parlé l'Éternel des armées le Dieu d'Israël, en disant : c'est vous, et vos femmes qui ont parlé par votre bouche touchant ce que vous avez accompli de vos mains, en disant : certainement nous accomplirons nos vœux que nous avons voués, en faisant des encensements à la Reine des cieux ; et lui faisant des aspersions. Vous avez entièrement accompli vos voeux, et vous les avez effectués très exactement. 26 C'est pourquoi écoutez la parole de l'Éternel, vous tous ceux de Juda qui demeurez au pays d'Egypte : voici, j'ai juré par mon grand Nom, a dit l'Éternel, que mon Nom ne sera plus réclamé par la bouche d'aucun de Juda, qui dise en tout le pays d'Egypte : le Seigneur l'Éternel est vivant ». (Lis tout le chapitre mon frère ma soeur)

L’expression Reine des Apôtres quant à elle n’existe nulle part dans la Bible ! Qualifier Marie de Reine est une ruse que la Diable utilise pour que les catholique soient sous le joug du démon appélé reine des ceiux. De plus les apôtres sont connus comme les disciples de Jésus et non les serviteurs de Marie. Mon frère ou ma sœur la religion est un mensonge diaboliquement abominable penses-tu qu’elle puisse te sauver ?

7.   L’assomption de Marie est une Hérésie

S’il y avait eu une quelconque montée de Marie au Ciel la Bible en aurait parlée. De plus la seule fois où il est fait allusion à Marie mère de Jésus après la crucifixion est dans Actes 1 : 14, car elle était parmi ceux qui priaient dans la chambre haute pour la réception du Saint Esprit, le Consolateur promis par JESUS. Pourquoi donc continuer cette célébration mensongère au détriment de la vérité ?

8.   La prière je vous salue Marie est une invention des hommes

Il s’agit d'une dangereuse invocation démoniaque du diable. « Je vous salue Marie… »  n’est pas une prière mais une invocation satanique. Il est écrit dans 1 Timothée 2 verset 5 : «..il y a un seul Dieu, et un seul Médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes, [savoir] Jésus-Christ homme ».
De plus, le Seigneur lui-même a enseigné à ses disciples comment est-ce qu’ils devraient prier en disant dans Matthieu 6. : « 9 Vous donc priez ainsi : notre Père qui es aux cieux, ton Nom soit sanctifié. 10 Ton Règne vienne. Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel. 11 Donne-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien. 12 Et nous quitte nos dettes, comme nous quittons aussi [les dettes] à nos débiteurs. 13 Et ne nous induis point en tentation ; mais délivre-nous du mal. Car à toi est le règne, et la puissance, et la gloire à jamais. Amen. ».

Après ce que tu viens de lire mon frère, ma sœur, si un homme réussit à te convaincre de rester dans un endroit où on prie Marie c’est que tu ne crois pas en ce que la Bible dit. C’est que tu penses peut-être comme beaucoup que c’est une invention des hommes. Mais si tu as la foi, si vraiment tu veux voir un jour Jésus-Christ, si tu cherches réellement le Royaume des Cieux, si tu veux vivre véritablement la Parole de Dieu, tu dois pratiquer 2 Corinthiens 6 à partir du verset 16 : « 16 Et quelle convenance y a-t-il du Temple de Dieu avec les idoles ? Car vous êtes le Temple du Dieu vivant, selon ce que Dieu a dit : j'habiterai au milieu d'eux, et j'y marcherai ; et je serai leur Dieu, et ils seront mon peuple. 17 C'est pourquoi sortez du milieu d'eux, et vous en séparez, dit le Seigneur ; et ne touchez à aucune chose souillée et je vous recevrai ; 18 Et je vous serai pour père, et vous me serez pour fils et pour filles, dit le Seigneur Tout-puissant ».

Ton frère Davy.



  1. https://lesderniersappelsdejesus.blogspot.com

Find_the_video_Here: http//youtu.be/k2CIifg1coU

These writings have been paraphrased for better understanding.
Bible verses from new and old versions of Holy Bible_louis_second.
[NT]: New Testament
[OT]: Old Testament

Introductory comment : Many people do not know what Great Tribulation means. This term is however containaed in the last book of the Bible called Revelation. The aforementioned book is that of the end times. It marks the period that the world is currently going through. However, many Christians have lost their discernment, do not see how the world runs towards drift. They do not prepare themselves enough to be holy at the return of the Lord who is more than imminent in view of what is happening in the world today. No one knows the day or time but THE LORD IS COMING. Through this vision of the Great Tribulation, the Lord manifests His immense goodness to those who believe in Him. To save them from the confusion and seduction that currently reigns. He would like to exhort those who are still preparing to ask for his grace and help. Even if His Love will always remain on those who have remained, He will no longer be able to do anything for the world, and let everyone decide whether He will accept to die for HIM, at the price of the totality of His blood, or if he agrees to extend his life for a period of only 7 years that will end eternally in the lake of fire. What will be communicated to you will certainly look like a movie to some, but believe it or not, it will happen.


I am a student born in 1990 and I am 22 years old today I gave my life to JESUS at the age of 15. I am biologically orphaned but not in the spiritual sense ([OT] Psalm 68:6-7). I lost my father at the age of 7 and my mother left me at 11. But God in His grace kept me to this day. I have experienced moments of joy and pain. Tuesday, July 24, 2012, I returned from work around 6 pm. Since I was very tired I did not study the Bible, nor prayed fervently that evening as I used to do. I was also very hungry and I had to make food before going to bed. So I went to bed between 10:00 and 11:00, after I made a dish and ate. I don’t know exactly when it all started.
I saw myself in the dream watching a curious musical show on TV. In this show the singers were laughing at the Christians ([NT] 2 Timothy 4:3). They also ridiculed and insulted GOD ([NT] Matthew 12:31-32, [NT] Luke 12:10, [NT] Mark 3:29). They were Young Men ([OT] Isaiah 9:17). They bore a mark on their foreheads, dressed in black and very frightening. I told myself that I can’t watch this kind of music where people mock GOD and ridicule Christians, as a Christian. So I decided to turn off the TV and go to bed. But the moment I wanted to do it, I found myself in front of an incredible crowd. I was standing next to a sort of desk that was very far from that crowd that had no end. The place was very dark, so dark that no one could be recognized, except for those whom GOD wanted me to see. Everyone was busy crying in tears for missing the rapture.
The rapture had taken place while people were busy partying, just as the Bible says : Christ will come as a thief at a time when we least expect it ([NT] Revelation 3: 3; 16: 15, [NT] 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-3)while men are feasting ([NT] Matthew 24:37-39). That is how it happened. The rapture took place as people went about their business, got married, and engaged in all kinds of activities that would bring them joy ([NT] Matthew 24:37-39). After that, I saw myself in the crowd and a man who knew me very well handed me some documents and told me to go and drop them off at my place of duty. I said yes, sir, as soon as I took the documents in his hands, he started laughing and crying at the same time. At that moment I said to him, You asked me to do you a favor that I accepted and you laugh and cry now! But why are you laughing and crying? What is the problem? What is happening?». He shook his head, looked me in the eye and said, “Now I know you didn’t realize you missed the rapture”. As soon as he uttered those words, the shock, the fear and the pain that came over me were so strong that I started to cry. I dropped the documents and looked at the people around me, but I could not count them. Most of the people were young people of all races of all languages and of all social classes, uneducated, rich, poor, but this day-There everyone clearly understood everything that others said, whatever the languages in which they spoke. There was no longer a language barrier. Someone will speak Yoruba, English, or Chinese, but no matter what language they speak, they will understand it as if there is no linguistic difference.
With tears of pain and regret I said, Why are you here? What’s going on?  A voice that I cannot tell if it was a man or a woman said “we are waiting for the preacher”. I thought it was a pastor, someone who would tell us about JESUS. But to my surprise when I turned around, it was the devil himself. He had his own desk and everything was arranged so that everyone in the crowd could hear him and see what he was doing. I was standing in front of the desk right in front of him (Note that in the spiritual world the eye has no limit, you can see several places from various angles. Everyone experiences it in his dreams), I could see it clearly. And so far I still have his image in my memory. When he stood behind the desk, he started making fun of us. He laughed and every time he did it, it was like acid was pouring down all your flesh. You feel the pain and you remember everything you’ve done. He was very sensitive because he had the number of people he hoped for. He told us, IS THIS THE JESUS YOU SERVED? IS IT THE JESUS THAT YOU PRETENDED TO LOVE?”. People will lament. Christians will weep more, non-believers will weep, rich will weep, poor, pastors, elders, all categories of people will weep.
The devil was very happy. He wore a very large black and red garment and was frightening.
After that, GOD opened my eyes and I found myself under an aunt with the devil. This one was as big as the world. The crowd there was a huge rank that was not separated by any boundary, by any mountain, by any river.
God opened my eyes again and I found myself in front of the devil who was sitting in front of a crowd of people around him. Each of these people had a mark on their foreheads that was clearly visible ([NT] Revelation 14:9 – 12). It was engraved black in their flesh. When we looked at them, we saw this mark first. Everyone around the devil wore this mark. So I stood beside him seeing the agents around him playing with him, rubbing against him and prostrating at his feet. All age groups were represented, young and old. I stood there full of regret, pain and tears and I asked him who these people are? Every time I asked him a question, he laughed and laughed and laughed until He was completely satisfied. Every time he laughs you are filled with pain, regret and the memory of everything you have done on this earth.

After laughing he told me, “THESE ARE MY AGENTS THE PEOPLE I SEND INTO THE WORLD TO DECEIVE, SEDUCE AND CORRUPT THE WORLD”. I was intrigued, the first category of people were women. I asked him “satan but who are these women?”. He started to laugh in stitches again and again he was very happy, he was full of joy. He told me these are the wives of the false pastors I send into the world I was surprised. Imagine how much we honor the wives of our spiritual leaders ([OT] Isaiah 3:12) how much we love them but some of them are agents of the devil. He said these are the wives of the false pastors I started crying more beautiful. He said, “I sent them into the world, they pretended to be holy, to know JESUS, but they manipulated the church, thus leading many into my kingdom”. While he was saying that, one of the women stood up with the mark on her forehead. She was wearing a very cleavage garment
 and went to one of the pastors who, when he was on the ground, had married one of these women, he had a large church. She went to him, turning around him in a provocative and seductive way, mocking him, saying, Pastor! Pastor! Pastor!”. Meanwhile, the Pastor held the Bible to his chest, weeping and regretting bitterly. But the Bible had no effect. Today if you press the Bible against your chest it is as if you were close to GOD and you read it. But that day when the man of GOD was holding it and weeping it had no effect, he was suffering. It was a big Bible but no effect. This agent was circling around him, touching him and saying, “Pastor! Pastor!” She laughed and went home to sit at the devil’s feet.
I saw another category of people, it was about 18 to 19 years old like me they were very numerous, it was a broad category of people! So I asked, “Who are these people?”. He laughed and laughed and laughed. He said, “THESE ARE MY YOUNG AGENTS THAT I HAVE SENT INTO THE WORLD TO CONFUSE THEM, TO DIVERT THE ATTENTION OF THE YOUNG, TO PREVENT THEM FROM FOCUSING ON JESUS” (AT) Isaiah 3:12). As he spoke a young female agent (passing for a sister in CHRIST) rose. She was dressed in a long black tights like many women today ([AT) Deuteronomy 22:5). Upstairs she had a tank top with a single brettelle, her breasts were exposed, she was dressed in jewels. A long chain hung between her breasts, she also wore curls, necklaces, bracelets and false nails that worldly people use. With all kinds of decorations, her lips and eyes made up, she was wearing highlights, her skin shone briefly she had made herself all beautiful. As a woman myself, I was attracted when she got up, she was very attractive, she could capture the attention of many people. She walked in an attractive way, her shapes moved in a provocative way. She did it so well and during that time her makeup and jewelry changed by taking different shapes and sizes «big curls, small curls, makeup changed color but it all comes back to the same» ([OT] Genesis 35: 1-5; [OT] Exodus 33: 1-4; [OT] Ezekiel 7: 19-21; [OT] Isaiah 3: 16-26; [NT] 1 Timothy 2; [NT] 1 Peter 3; [NT] 1 Thessalonians 5: 23). The devil said, “I used these things to confuse the world, to deceive Christians, to make them believe that they are Christians even by wearing these things but they are not”. “I USED THIS GIRL TO SEDUCE BOYS IN THE CHURCH”. I saw a brother wearing jeans with a skull and crossbones as a belt (John 14:30). And this girl went to one of the brothers she had seduced and made miss the rapture. She began to walk seductively around him, touching him and waving her hand over the brother. He was crying his eyes out because he missed the rapture. After that she went to sit at the feet of the devil.

I saw another category of men and I asked who they were. He laughed and laughed and said, “These are my false pastors! Here are my false pastors!”. I was frozen because of the shock that it made me see the level of seduction among the “men” of GOD today. He said: THESE FALSE PASTORS I HAVE SENT INTO THE WORLD TO DILUTE TRUE DOCTRINE. I MADE THEM TALK OF PROSPERITY, I MADE THEM FORGET THE HOLY, THEY DID EVERYTHING I WANTED, THEY DID NOT PREACH THE SOUND DOCTRINE THEY DILUTED IT!". ([NT] 1 Timothy 6:5; [NT] 2 Timothy 2:16-19; [NT] 2 Timothy 4:3; [OT] Psalm 40/4; [OT] Micah 7:5-7; [OT] Zechariah 11:17; [NT] Matthew 23:13; [NT] Matthew 15:14; [NT] Luke 6:39; [NT] Luke 11:52; [NT] Tite 3:10-11). While he was talking to me, a man stood up with a Bible in his hand. Before I thought to myself that the bad guys couldn’t carry a Bible but that day he got up with a big Bible in his hand and I saw a big congregation of a big church that he ran in this world he was preaching to them saying “YOU WILL BE RICH, YOU WILL BE THIS OR THAT” HE DID NOT SPEAK OF SANCTIFICATION, NOR OF ANYTHING IN CONNECTION WITH JUDGMENT…ONLY YOU WILL BE RICH, YOU WILL HAVE MONEYAND the people who went to his church that day said “AMEN” but now crying ! I can still see the scene. After showing how he preached to people, he went back to his place. When he went back to sit, he looked at me and laughed, it was the Holy Bible he had in his hands. Afterwards, I saw another category of people in which all age groups were represented, young, adult, rich, poor, literate, illiterate. I asked who these people are, he said, “THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ON EARTH SING TO ADORE ME, BUT THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD BELIEVE THEY DO IT FOR FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT. THEY WORSHIPED ME BY SINGING ALL THESE SONGS THAT DO NOT GLORIFY GOD! » ([OT]Ecclesiastes 7:5; 9:16)  I wanted to cry O LORD JESUS have mercy. That day even if you call the NAME OF JESUS with all your might it will have no effect. There was no trace of JESUS, no sign of mercy, no sign of repentance, no sign of what we have now. There was no trace of grace, no trace of light, only regret, pain, weeping and gnashing of teeth. People will regret missing the rapture, you’ll see them in terrible pain (NB: The only way to obtain mercy from God this day-there will be the refusal to take the mark of the beast or to bow down to his image at the cost of his life and in suffering. It will be necessary to accept to be tortured in an infernal way until death. [The beast will surely pass for JESUS, or for the god of another religion Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, before uninformed people so that thosethese prostrate themselves out of ignorance. It will also be necessary to flee any form of statue of Mary and the other false idols of the church called «mother».] No third chance will be granted for him who takes this mark. We must not prostrate ourselves before nothing or person).
Still in this aunt, GOD took me to another place. There I saw people surfing the Internet, mostly Asians, mostly young people. They were sitting in front of screens of all kinds. Next to it were photocopiers and all kinds of new technologies. When I came among them, I told myself that I could not speak their language because I had never been in their country. Much to my surprise when I asked “why did you miss the rapture?” One of their leaders stood up and said in Japanese, “WE MISSED THE RAPTURE BECAUSE OF INTERNET”. I was shocked that a Japanese man could speak in his language and I understood what he was saying. I thought, but what does the Internet have to do with the Bible and rapture ? I had never followed that there was any connection between the Internet and the Bible. When he said that I was shocked. I started crying. That day people will cry like never before. Because of the pain and regret the tears will flow from their eyes as if we were pumping water through their system. He said with regret, “we missed the Internet rapture”. I asked him how, how ? why? when? he said, "WE ARE ALL CHRISTIANS!" the others could not speak to me. They cried, it was with their heads down, others were in front of their laptops, but their faces showed that they had missed the rapture. He said, "WE ARE CHRISTIANS BUT THE THINGS WE DID WHEN WE WENT ON THE INTERNET WERE NOT WORTHY OF CHRISTIANS," I asked how? And he answered me “ON FACEBOOK, THE PHOTOS WE POST SHOW NUDITY, THE PLACES WE VISIT, THE MESSAGES WE SEND ARE NOTHING CHRISTIAN WHAT WE LOOK FOR ON GOOGLE IS NOTHING CHRISTIAN, WE LOOK FOR PORNOGRAPHY, BLUES VIDEOS, AND BAD MOVIES, SOME WERE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES” ([NT] 1 Timothy 5:25). I saw another kid playing video games on a sophisticated phone. His finger that was still on the phone clearly showed that he was playing video games before the rapture. At which point he tells me this is why we missed the rapture. I wrote to myself ah LORD so you are aware of all that is happening on the internet? I just said JESUS have mercy, but there was no sign of mercy, no sign of forgiveness, no light, just darkness. As soon as I left a place I couldn’t see it because of the darkness.

GOD SHOWED ME A CHILD FROM SIX TO ABOUT 8 YEARS OLD. He snapped his thumb at his index finger and middle finger, shaking his arm up and down and crying, “I missed the rapture”. I was hurt because I was wondering what a six- to eight-year-old knows about rapture. I also wondered what sin he had committed, because to me children of that age are innocent. I was about to take it when, to my great surprise, I saw a man of GOD (in quotation marks). This one is a man honored by crowds and for whom I had esteem. Until now I still see him clearly as in revelation. This is Benny Hinn . This man is honoured and feared by crowds. He was standing on the other side of the boy and also trying to grab him. When I saw him I was so shocked that I forgot the boy. I said, You! You! You! How come you missed the rapture? What did you do to miss it?” with confidence and while smiling and laughing, he answered “I don’t know” ([NT] Matthew 7:22). I said, but “how do you not know”, he was just shaking his head, laughing and seemed to be prepared for the pain. We approached the boy and everyone wanted to take him, we saw the devil turn into a fake lion. He did so because there will be two categories of people. Those who say they still love JESUS are led directly to torture. TO THOSE WHO DENY JESUS THE MARK WILL BE INSTANTLY GIVEN AND they will become more wicked and evil than the agents who are with the devil. As soon as a person takes the mark, she becomes ruthless and begins to inflict tortures even on her own mother by finding pleasure in it. As soon as you take Mark 666, we give you everything you want ([NT] Revelation 13: 16-18). But if you don’t have it and you still believe in JESUS, you will be horribly tortured ([NT] Revelation 6:9-11). Every time the devil asks people “DO YOU STILL BELIEVE IN JESUS?” it turns into a giant, ferocious lion with claws that can turn a concrete wall to dust. His wrath will be so great that certain terrorized people will deny JESUS on the spot ([NT] Revelation 13:7), under the impulse of terror. The devil took the boy and put him on his back, and while he was crying, the devil was saying “my son”, and he took him to the place where people were tortured.

It is a place that will be darker and darker than the outside. Human Beings were more tortured than animals. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, they all have instruments of torture. There are some that are sharp, others are intended to skin, there will be irons heated in red he (the devil) used them on people’s skin. He skinned the bodies of tortured people little by little, starting with the fingernails, until the flesh appeared on the whole body. He was scraping the skin bit by bit. Once all the flesh was revealed, he used a small sharp instrument the size of a bait to burst the flesh. While the person is being tortured he asks him “DO YOU STILL BELIEVE IN JESUS? DO YOU STILL BELIEVE IN JESUS?” If the person answers no! Her body just returned to normal and she gets the mark. But if you say that you still believe in JESUS, they (the devil and the agents) will continue to torture you by stabbing you in the body, and do with you what they want. After that, they will take a metal whip with thorns and start hitting you, you will see blood gushing on people’s skin ([NT] Revelation 20:4; [NT] 1 Corinthians 6:2-3; [NT] Revelation 2:26).

I was screaming at the sight of all this. I was suffering from it and still suffering from seeing human beings being tortured for missing the rapture and because they believe in JESUS (crying). I’m still suffering from it. Now Grace is still available no one tortures you, no one mistreats you, no one cares about you why don’t you serve JESUS now? Please serve JESUS. I saw him with my own eyes (always crying). There were two groups, those who still believed in JESUS and those who had denied him. In the category of those who still believed in HIM, there were on the one hand those who had already been tortured and those who had not been tortured on the other. The maggots moved on the body of some believers who had passed on torture, the agents of satan abandoned them for a time so that their bodies would rot so that the believers would feel even worse, before we revisit their case. They will torture you until you become a skeleton, but the skeleton will still be alive ([NT] Revelation 9:6; [OT] Isaiah 2:19). I saw living skeletons howling in pain with tears flowing out of their sockets. There was no food or water for them. You will suffer! You will suffer again and again for missing the rapture for your faith in JESUS ([NT] Revelation 3:21).

After that, I saw the death with my own eyes, it’s big and skinny, it looks like she spent thousands of years in Hell. It is not easy to see her face because she had covered it up. But in HIS GRACE, GOD showed me her face, it was horrible. Her eyes were embedded in her orbits. Today death comes quickly to take people because she wants to bring them to hell. But after the rapture she will only come when she pleases. She will come only when you have been sufficiently tortured and prepared to die and brothers, she never took more than three people. Today it takes hundreds or even thousands of people at a time. After the rapture, she will only take one or two people and will not go beyond that. The torture was horrible. I saw my own brother regretting missing the rapture. The pain was so intense that he couldn’t talk and just shook his head. I didn’t ask him any questions. In the same crowd I saw my cousin Francis who was so shocked that he couldn’t talk to me either. Anyone who said they no longer believe in JESUS received the mark of the beast. I also saw a black GOD man who had his laptop on his thighs and preached through the Internet and he had a big Bible. Every day he was texting, but he missed the rapture. I was shocked because for me it’s good to reach people with the Gospel through the Internet. When I asked him why he missed the rapture, he said, “That’s because I was preaching on the Internet”. I said, “What?” And before my astonishment he said that the real reason is that he was ashamed to talk about JESUS to people in public. He said, “I FOUND THE INTERNET WAY TO PREACH WITHOUT PEOPLE SEEING MY FACE”. So they won’t know that I’m speaking ([NT] Luke 9:26). I was ashamed to carry the Bible. That day he had a big bible that was no longer useful to him. I saw another pastor whose name I don’t know but I can recognize. If I meet him today I will tell him that I saw in a vision that he missed the rapture. He was holding a big bible. I asked him “why did you miss the rapture” He said, “BECAUSE I PREACHED FALSE DOCTRINES, I DID NOT REALLY PREACH JESUS CHRIST, I DID NOT SPEAK OF SIN, I DID NOT SPEAK OF HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS”.

I saw people who turned to false doctrines, who did not preach but missed the rapture for following them and putting them into practice. In this world people say THIS IS MY PASTOR, THIS IS MY LEADER. On that day you will not be asked who caused your fall ([NT] Luke 14:27). You will simply be tortured for missing the rapture. I was shocked because these people knew nothing, they preached nothing, they just listened to false doctrines and they believed in them. They missed the rapture because of this ([OT] Jeremiah 7:9-11; [NT] Romans 16:18; [OT] Micah 3:5)

When the devil was about to torture people, they took them in threes and bound them with chains to lead them to the place of torture. These chains had nothing like the ones we have on earth, they sank into the flesh of those who were dragged to the place of torture. The devil tortured mostly men, sometimes one or two women to torture them. People tried to get rid of the chains in vain. I asked him “why do you torture men first before women?”. He looked at me and laughed, laughed and said, “That’s because women are weaker vessels. BEFORE I HAVE FINISHED WITH THE MEN ALL THESE WOMEN WILL HAVE ALREADY DENIED JESUS!” Just as he said, before he finished with the men, the percentage of women who denied JESUS was huge compared to those who still believed. THE RATIO WAS 1 OR 3 TO 100. The number of women who denied JESUS was huge. I saw myself with 2 other sisters. We were standing before the devil and I was asking the questions. I said, “Satan, why are you so mean?” He laughed and laughed and laughed. I saw him in his original form. It is said that the devil was created perfect in beauty (Ezekiel 28:12; Isaiah 14:13-14). It’s true he was perfect in beauty that’s why he can attract and seduce anyone and that when he speaks, people believe they hear the voice of God. His skin shines like diamond, you can’t imagine he’s the devil. But when he wants to do something bad, he turns into what he wants. He tortures people by doing all kinds of things. So I asked him, “Why did people miss the rapture?”. He laughed again he said “LACK OF FORGIVENESS (Matthew 5:7; Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:33-35; Daniel 4:27; Micah 6:8; Mark 11:25; Luke 6:35; James 2:13), SECRET SINS (Proverb 28:13; Job 31:33; John 3:19), ALL KINDS OF THINGS”. I asked her, “Why did I miss the rapture, me a Christian?”. He looked at me in a dismissive way that could translate “you think I don’t know?” and said, “YOU MISSED THE RAPTURE BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF FORGIVENESS” (Matthew 5:7). I said “me?” and he said “yes”.  When he said it I remembered my adoptive father who was a man of GOD, he had welcomed me into his home and loved me very much. He’s the one who told me about JESUS. But one day when I didn’t understand what was happening to me, he told me that he didn’t find my spiritual life strong enough despite his many tips, he got angry with me and sent me home. Imagine the orphan I was, the heart still hurt because of all the abuse I had suffered before, and the one person I trusted asked me to leave his house and tell me that I was no longer his child. The wounds that were not healed opened again and I had decided not to trust anyone who would call me his child. I also swore I would never forgive him. When I knelt down to ask him forgiveness, I never forgave him in my heart until the day I received this revelation. Only after that did I truly forgive him.
I asked the devil if that was all he said to me, "NO! YOU LIVED IN THE SECRET SINS". I said, "me?" And then I remembered that I had a marriage plan with a brother from the church. This matter came from GOD, the leaders of the church had asked me to pray about it and after having done so I had confirmation of it. Everything was going very well the engagement had not yet been announced in the church, we had been asked to pray about it and we were advised. But we thought we were already married and started calling each other on the phone, texting us, visiting each other for several nights and falling into fornication several times (Hebrews 13:14). After this revelation I thought to myself that no humiliation, no correction present from GOD exceeds the tortures I have seen. So I decided to go public.
That night I called my fiancé and I told him what I had seen. That very night he went to reveal everything to the pastor. I also did the same, and the pastor was very disappointed and began to cry asking GOD to correct him. The church disciplinary committee punished us and the engagement was suspended. The pastor indicated that the engagement could continue after the suspension. But we always pray to ask God if we can continue our engagement. It’s better not to get married at all and have a broken engagement than to miss the sky.
When I think about everything I’ve seen, it’s better to lose everything than to miss the rapture now. The devil said I also missed the rapture because of the robbery. I said, “How could I fly when I had a mom who wouldn’t tolerate this kind of thing and who could whip you until you bleed?” he said, “Yes, you stole”. So I remembered what was going on at the place of duty where I work as a cashier. At the end of the day the accounts are done and there is never a hole in mine. The calculated money was always accurate. But often the customers left the difference.  It’s not that they were offering me too much money, but it was because there was no change. It often resulted in a good amount of money, and instead of leaving that money in the company’s coffers, I thought that, as a cashier, I was entitled to the small change left by the customers. The devil said YOU STOLE IT WAS THE MONEY OF SOCIETY. GOD showed me that this money I hold did not belong to me. Using other people’s money WITHOUT PERMISSION made me miss the rapture. I cried, cried and cried. Everything was true.
I asked him what it was like for others and he didn’t talk to me anymore but directed me to the crowd. There I saw another man of GOD. I asked him “why did you miss the rapture? ” he said he didn’t know he was UNCONSCIOUS OF HIS SINS. Many of the Christians who missed the rapture were unaware of the sins they had committed. “Did I do this? Did I steal?” and the answer was “no” they were unconscious. I realized that everything that has a name and begins or ends in sin is sin (Matthew 5:37). Whether conscious or not. I saw another sister, I asked her why she was there. Some were aware of their sins and some were not. Some have stayed BECAUSE OF FORNICATION. OTHERS BECAUSE OF THE LOVE OF THE WORLD (1 John 2:15), OTHERS BECAUSE OF SECRET SINS (1 Timothy 5:25). The devil told me that many of them had been left behind because they had never served GOD in TRUTH AND SINCERITY (Mark 12:30). They were holy on the outside, THEY PREACHED THE GOOD DOCTRINE BUT HAD NEVER SERVED GOD WITH SINCERITY OF HEART. That is why they missed the rapture. I said to myself, WHO CAN BE SAVED? (Luke 18:26). UNCONSCIOUS SIN, LACK OF SINCERITY. HOW CAN WE KNOW IF WE ARE SINCERE OR NOT ?

I began to weep imploring the mercy of GOD. But there was no sign of mercy, no sign of forgiveness. Not even the shadow of JESUS. Today we can invoke JESUS and enjoy his grace. But that day he knew nothing. We have a habit of saying GOD loves us! GOD loves us! GOD is a GOD of love! BUT GOD ALSO IS A GOD WHO CHASTISES (Revelation 3:19). I saw the people being tortured, begging the mercy of GOD but in vain. It was mostly young people. They were very numerous the youth made up more than 75%. Many missed the rapture because of their way of dressing FOR EXAMPLE BY WEARING JEWELRY (Genesis 35:1-5; Exodus 33:1-4; Ezekiel 7:19-21; Isaiah 3:16-26; 1 Timothy 2; 1 Peter 3; 1 Thessalonians 5:23). The devil said, “I have led them into confusion so that they will be unresolved when they dress this way they think they are Christians but they are not.” MANY OF THEM CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS BUT THEY LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE IN THE CHURCH THEY SEEM HOLY BUT OUTSIDE, THEY LIVE IN SIN I MAKE THEM BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE CHRISTIANS WHEN THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS AND THEY WILL NEVER BECOME CHRISTIANS” (1 Timothy 5:25). I saw YOUNG GIRLS WEARING PANTS, YOUNG PEOPLE SINGING WORLDLY MUSIC (Ecclesiastes 7:5), TURNING CHRISTIAN FIELDS INTO WORLDLY MUSIC (Matthew 7:6). THEY ALL MISSED THE RAPTURE. I saw every category of people from elders, general church supervisors, nuns (in CHRIST), whoever was not qualified had missed the rapture. The devil was constantly mocking us: “Is this the JESUS you claim to serve? Is this the JESUS you claim to love?” He said it with his finger, “Is it THE JESUS THAT YOU CLAIMED TO LOVE?”. His voice only grew and made us suffer. People cried, they said they were serving JESUS but had secret sins. If GOD brought me into the future, it’s not because I’m special. It is simply because HE loves me and HE also loves you, he wants to correct us so that we do not miss the rapture. Since I received this revelation and until the day when JESUS will come, I continue to examine my life, every day and every moment (Matthew 25:13).

If God says no, then I will stop everything. Before revelation when I prayed, the Lord warned me in dreams with the appearance of my fiancé. He did it three times and the brother told me in these dreams let us stop these sins before GOD punishes us. After this revelation the LORD told me that we must totally separate until HE is satisfied. I said yes LORD when YOU will be satisfied. That is why I told my family to wait for God’s will.
The pastor told me to bring the brother to discuss it, but I was still waiting for the will of GOD. Every time the groom and I meet I tell him about the rapture. It is better that GOD be satisfied than I lose my soul. I woke up between 2 and 3 a.m. The dress I was wearing was wet with tears. What I felt in spirit in revelation was manifested in my physical body. The blanket was so hot that when I woke up, it was like I was in an oven. I couldn’t talk for 15 minutes. I was just crying to ask JESUS to have mercy by rolling me on the floor (1 John 1:9). I thought I was already dead. I called people on the phone and while I was trying to explain what had happened, they asked me to put it in writing. I saw it with my own eyes. GOD loves me very much because he corrected me in my lifetime. If he hadn’t given me the vision, the opportunity to go see in the future what would have happened to me? The devil said in this vision you are engaged, and not you “were”, which means the rapture can take place at any time. Since then I have been the victim of several accidents. One day I borrowed a motorcycle to go home. Wanting to avoid a truck the driver and I fell and the bike climbed on me. All I could say was take the bike off, take the bike off. Having regained my mind I told the people to take the bike off above me and that I would not die until I had done GOD’s work. I stood up forcefully, went home and massaged the affected area, ate and studied. My friend who had witnessed the accident looked at me with great surprise when she saw me. I told him that I would not die until I had accomplished the work of GOD (1 John 4:4) Another day we came back from work on the same bike because it is the only one that serves our neighborhood. The driver had his legs seriously affected. The bike was out of order the only thing I regretted was the loss of my sandals. I had nothing serious to the great astonishment of the observers. I picked up my sandals and started walking. The driver said, “Let me take you to the hospital”, because I had a scratch on my toe. I told him to take care of himself because I have JESUS. Once at home my wound was smeared with oil and the next day I was fit. Many things have happened but nothing has reached me. I will live and do the work of GOD, I will live to enter heaven.
Comment : In reading this message, some (of those who had faith in him) may have called GOD wicked, or unjust, because he will allow mankind to be treated this way. To think in this way is a mistake, for it is the right price to pay for having blasphemed his word and loved the world more than he did, who became flesh, was insulted and suffered the worst of tortures to give us free salvation. We, who are just creatures, clay vases that he could break and burn at any moment if he wasn’t so loving and patient. How many of us would be willing to give ourselves in sacrifice, to be immolated, to receive insults, to spit to save subordinates who reject him? This is what Christ has done for us. He has agreed to leave his air-conditioned Paradise, all in gold and pure in everything to show us the example to follow in order to take part in his ETERNAL legacy. But we have been busy with our projects, our smartphones, our pride and our science that have contributed to what have totally rejected him to the point of trying to contradict his word and confess that it comes from men. For the benefit of this science which fails to explain everything, the human being has decided that there is no longer GOD and that everything is allowed to him. It is for this reason that he indulged in all kinds of passions and gave birth to abominations that are tolerated today in the name of who knows what freedom. Now, the generation of this end times ignores that the world existed before it and that we were not witnessing so much drift at the time when the majority of men still had faith in GOD. She (the generation) crucifies JESUS again and again, mocking his word, forgetting the judgment, the fact that one lives only once and that there is an eternal hell and a Paradise. How many can say today that they have not followed the proclamation of the gospel many times? How many can say that they have never mocked an evangelist or a Christian who vowed to remain holy? How much do they feel contempt for those who proclaim the true Word of God (when they have not mocked anyone)? By doing this we are offending GOD and not man. It is HIM and his Gospel that we despise and not man. His patience has lasted for more than 2,000 years and the prophecies of His Word are fulfilled every day, but no one takes heed of them, when the world has not always been like this. The salvation which he proposes through sanctification does not harm men, but no one wants him. People cry out "REPENT YOU" every day but there is no one to listen. If you had his power, wouldn’t you have taken the children who obey you and chased the rest away from you?  How many times has he sent someone to tell you his word but you treated him worse than a thug? Despite all these rejections, his great love and mercy will enable those who have always insulted him, who have always despised him, to obtain salvation through great tribulations, even if they would have slit their throatss more than a thousand people, or smoked all the world’s cigarettes. Even though they would have hated the whole world, and insulted father, mother brothers and sisters by thinking they are alone in the world. Even if they have cursed him every day of their lives. He will forgive them if they survive the trials whatever their sins. The problem is that in these days of tribulation forgiveness will be obtained at the cost of his blood. Personally I do not know if I could resist this torture for 5 minutes. But today salvation is knocking at the door of your heart.
JESUS wants to forgive your sins for free. He is just waiting for you to address to him a prayer of repentance (In His Name), that you accept to be baptized (by immersion, not by the curse of the church called mother) and that you serve him in justice and truth. Don’t wait until it’s too late and don’t be ashamed of him. Do not be of those who will lament that day, or who will die before him to find themselves in Hell. What would it serve a man to win the world if it is at the cost of his soul? GOD exists, the devil also. While the former wants your good for small sacrifices for the time you have left in this world, the latter wants you to believe that it does not exist and that your paradise will always be on this barren and desolate land. You may have small moments of joy in this world but you will never be fulfilled. The spring of living water (JESUS), which weeps every day when you see yourself, is waiting for you to recognize your sinful state. Do not wait to see how far you can bear the pain. Please give your life to JESUS.
May the Peace and Love of JESUS be your sharing!

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